On behalf of the GLOMICAVE project, we are pleased to invite you to the project’s Closing Conference "Holistic approaches and digital tools for omics data analysis", taking place online on 7 May from 9:15 to 12:30 CEST.
The conference will introduce the main outcomes of the research done in the areas of OMICS sciences, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, animal reproductive technology, agro-biotechnology, bioinformatics and bioenergy, among others.
Participants will be able to discover the GLOMICAVE innovative digital platform developed to process large-scale omics datasets using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence by leveraging pre-existing data to enhance the understanding of biological systems as a whole. The conference will count on a great array of speakers representing Eurecat, TREE Technologies, INRAE, NEC Laboratories Europe, ASINCAR, SERIDA, Eliance Fédération, University of Minho, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, MedBioInformatics and Sequentia Biotech.
Check out the agenda for the conference here and make sure to save your spot here.
GLOMICAVE project’s final conference for OMICS data analysis